The National Alliance to Advance Adolescent Health is devoted to education, policy analysis, technical assistance, and advocacy in support of long-term, systemic improvements in comprehensive health care and insurance coverage for adolescents.
Fifteen years ago, our founders – Harriette Fox and Peggy McManus -- recognized that there were too many underserved adolescents, too little attention to policy and practice innovations, and too few champions to advance their cause. Moreover, most organizations working to address adolescent needs focused on single issues – teen pregnancy, suicide, bullying, substance abuse, obesity.
Thus, The National Alliance to Advance Adolescent Health was formed as a 501c3 nonprofit in 2006, with a mission to achieve long-term, systemic improvements in comprehensive health care and insurance coverage for adolescents.
We are uniquely positioned as the only national nonprofit dedicated solely to advancing adolescent health care delivery and financing system changes through education, policy analysis, technical assistance, and advocacy. As a national alliance, we work in collaboration with federal and state agencies, academic institutions, health professional organizations, health care systems, public and private payers/plans, and consumer and disability groups. Headquartered in the nation’s capital, our location allows for close working relations with both public and private sector leaders.