New Reports Address Barriers, Inequities, and Policy Options for Youth and Young Adults with Disabilities Aging out of Public Programs

Youth and Young Adults with Disabilities Aging Out of Medicaid, CHIP, SSI, and Title V

The National Alliance to Advance Adolescent Health/Got Transition has released two new reports and three policy briefs on the significant challenges and inequities that youth and young adults with disabilities face when aging out of Medicaid, CHIP, SSI, and Title V Programs. For more information, please read our press release.

The following reports are the result of a two-year effort to bring new attention to the challenges and inequities faced by this vulnerable population during such a difficult time in their lives.

  • A National Report: Youth and Young Adults with Disabilities Aging Out of Medicaid, CHIP, SSI, and Title V Programs: Barriers, Inequities, and Recommendations

  • Policy Briefs on Medicaid & CHIP, SSI, and Title V

  • A Five State Case Study: Black Youth and Young Adults with Disabilities Aging Out of Medicaid, CHIP, SSI, and Title V Programs

With funding from the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health and the WITH Foundation, the national report presents detailed recommendations to address gaps, complexities, and disparities for each of the public programs studied. Each policy brief presents a summary of the respective program information from the national report. Finally, the Five State Case Study takes a deeper dive into challenges and inequities faced by Black youth and young adults with disabilities, including intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, in AL, FL, GA, MS, and TX.

On Wednesday, May 22, an hour-long webinar was held that highlighted the findings of the 2-year study while also featuring a self-advocate who spoke about his experiences with aging out. Watch the recording and review the slides.